Clean Coast Bonaire is a citizen science program dedicated to coastal clean-ups and collecting data on marine litter washing ashore on the coastline of Bonaire. Every month, volunteers
gather to clean a beach while documenting the types of debris found. As volunteer citizen scientists, they help keep Bonaire clean while counting and categorizing the marine litter that is found.
2024 Round Up
In 2024, Piedra Pretu surpassed Te Amo for the most litter items collected. In this year alone, Clean Coast Bonaire volunteer citizen scientists counted, cataloged, and removed an incredible 37,047 marine litter items! They collected 23,880 unidentifiable pieces of plastic/polystyrene, 3,923 cigarette butts, 855 plastic bottle caps, 574 plastic/polystyrene food containers, 476 plastic bottles, 77 plastic bags, 134 plastic cups, 136 pieces of rope/net, 166 straws/stirrers, 54 pieces of plastic cutlery, 68 balloons, 121 plastic decorations, 120 firework remains, 92 shoes, and much more. From the inception of the project, a total of 243,417 pieces of litter (approximately 3,000 items per survey) have been collected!