Special species of birds you may encounter on Bonaire.
Bonaire has no endemic species of birds, however, there are a number of endemic subspecies or geographical races that are restricted to just the islands of Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao, or, in some cases, only Bonaire. Some of these can be observed when you are birding on Bonaire.
The American Flamingo.
Bonaire’s most famous is the pink American Flamingo, which, on most evenings around sunset, you may be able to see a few small flocks leaving the southern tip of the island, near the Willemstoren Lighthouse. Contrary to popular belief, they are not all flying off to Venezuela, although some undoubtedly will reach the South American coast. These birds can be seen at several sites on Bonaire, including the Washington Slagbaai National Park, Gotomeer, or Lac Bay.

The Yellow-shouldered Amazon Parrot.
Locally called the “Lora,” Bonaire’s Yellow-shouldered Amazon Parrot is now protected against capture by international treaty. They can be found around sunrise or sunset in various locations in the northern sections of Bonaire.

Bonaire is part of the Caribbean Birding Trail (CBT).
Bonaire is now officially a stop on the Caribbean Birding Trail (CBT), an initiative that seeks to connect the natural and cultural heritage of the Caribbean islands through the training of local naturalist guides who will then be able to identify and interpret the birds and their habitats for local and foreign visitors. The CBT is being developed to raise global awareness of the unique birds and biodiversity of the Caribbean and to create a sustainable economy around these rare species, in an effort to protect them.
Bonaire’s local birding guides.
Birds are everywhere around the island, but if one doesn’t know where to look, it is easy to overlook them. Those who would like to ensure that they see as many birds as possible can utilize the services of one of Bonaire’s local guides for birdwatching on Bonaire. These local guides know where the birds are, and they can guide interested birders in catching glimpses of some of Bonaire’s elusive winged residents.
Recommended Local Guide | Specialties |
Elsmarie Beukenboom +599 786-6016 ebeukenboom@gmail.com | With her local knowledge, Elsmarie can guide those interested in birding sites, and also, while traveling, impart information about the nature, culture, and history of Bonaire. Languages: English, Dutch, and Spanish |