Get Your Travel Vaccinations on Time with Public Health
If you’re a local traveling abroad for work or vacation from Bonaire, it’s important to plan your vaccinations well in advance. The Public Health Department advises travelers to schedule their travel vaccinations on time, as many locals seek advice just a day before departure. However, vaccines take time to build immunity, meaning immediate travel after vaccination may leave you unprotected. To ensure a safe trip, make an appointment in advance by calling (+599) 715 5324.
Yellow Fever in South America
There is currently an outbreak of yellow fever in São Paulo, Brazil, and Tolima, Colombia. Yellow fever is a serious disease, and local authorities have taken measures to prevent its spread. Public Health urges travelers heading to South America to get vaccinated at least 10 days before departure. This vaccine provides lifelong protection against yellow fever.
Other Travel Advice from Public Health
Diseases are different abroad than on Bonaire. Some diseases, such as yellow fever, hepatitis, and typhoid, can be particularly dangerous. Public Health offers not only vaccinations but also important travel advice, such as:
- Animal Bites & Scratches: Besides mosquitoes, animals like cats, dogs, monkeys, and bats can transmit diseases. Public Health provides guidance on what to do if bitten or scratched.
- Altitude Sickness: High-altitude destinations like Machu Picchu (Peru) and La Paz (Bolivia) can cause altitude sickness. Public Health offers prevention tips and advice on managing symptoms.
- Malaria Prevention: Malaria is common in the Amazon. Public Health advises travelers on malaria risk areas and prescribes malaria tablets to prevent infection.
For expert travel advice and vaccinations for locals traveling abroad, call +599 715 5324 to book your appointment today.