Travel + Leisure World’s Best voting is now open!
You may recall an article published in August about Bonaire ranking #18 in the Travel + Leisure World’s Best Caribbean Island competition for 2023. Now, it’s time to vote for the 2024 competition! Do you think Bonaire can rank even higher than #18 this year?
Voting for Bonaire
Travel + Leisure’s 2024 World’s Best Awards are open for voting. Bonaire is on the ballot in the ‘islands’ category, and Harbour Village Beach Club in the ‘hotels’ category.
Voting is open through February 26, 2024. We encourage you to send this survey to all employees, loyal customers, friends, and family, asking them to vote. To vote, you must register and check that you traveled to the Caribbean/Bonaire on the survey. Every vote counts!
Link to Vote: TRAVEL + LEISURE World’s Best Awards 2024. You can view the official rules and regulations to promote the nomination here.
(Source: TCB)