Participate in the Ride for the Roses.
Ride for the Roses is a gathering aimed at generating funds and fostering awareness for the battle against cancer. Established in January 2016, the Ride for the Roses is gearing up for it’s yearly event of the Swim, Walk, and Ride, scheduled for Sunday, January 28, 2024.
How can I participate?
Individuals on Bonaire, whether visitors or residents, have the opportunity to join in and express solidarity with cancer patients, their loved ones, and relatives through the event activities such as walking, swimming, or cycling. For those inclined towards sports, there is the option to combine a couple of the activities.
There are two cycling routes. One route is 14km, and the other route is 21km. Both routes begin at 7:15 AM at the Playa Stadium.
There are two walking routes. One route is 7km, and the other route is 9km. Both routes begin at 7:00 AM at the Playa Stadium.
The swim route is a 700m swim that starts at 9:00 AM from Kas di Regatta and ends in front of Karel’s Beach Bar.
Combination events
Of course, if you are sporty, you can combine two events. The timing is spaced far enough apart to make this possible. You can either combine the Walk and Swim or the Ride and Swim.
The full event starts at 6:30 AM! Will I see you there?
How to Purchase tickets.
Tickets can be purchased online or at Freewieler Bonaire, Pump Station in Rincon, Yogarriba, Bon Bida, or Board members RFTR Bonaire. Select one event or two per person. Children are also welcome and can join for a reduced rate. Each participant will receive a T-shirt that can be picked up at Orco Bank on January 25th– 27th. Ride for the Roses appreciates your support and hopes the 2024 event is the best yet!
(Source: Ride for the Roses)