Bonaire’s Lt. Governor Rijna provided a lockdown update today.
In an announcement this afternoon, Bonnaire’s Lt. Governor Edison Rijna provided a lockdown update for all residents of Bonaire.
Here is a summary of Lt. Governor Rijna’s announcement in regard to the lockdown update:
- Tomorrow, September 30, 2020, the first provisions of the soft lockdown will expire. Because the cases of COVID-19 are now considered stable, there will be new measures that will go into effect after tomorrow.
- There will be a new Emergency Ordinance announced that will be in effect through October 31, 2020.
- Starting tomorrow, shops may re-open, subject to strict hygiene protocols, and shops must close by 8:00 PM.
- Restaurants and other eateries may re-open, but only with a 50% capacity and they must close by 10:00 PM. Registration of patrons’ contact information will continue.
- Gyms will remain closed, but hair and nail salons may re-open with strict hygiene protocols.
- Outdoor sports may continue but without audiences. Youth up to the age of 17 may exercise in sports halls.
Violation of these regulations may result in the closure of the business. Working from home is now mandatory, but if this is not possible for essential services, then strict hygiene protocols apply.
(Source: OLB)