Bonaire’s Flag Day is known as Dia di Bonaire.
Bonaire may be a small island, but it is huge in national pride, and this is evidenced every year on Bonaire’s Flag Day, locally known in Papiamentu as Dia di Boneiru.
The official ceremonies begin early in the day.
Bonaire Day occurs on September 6th, and it is also a legal holiday, with the majority of businesses closed for the day.
The day begins with the official opening ceremonies in Wilhelmina Park, just adjoining Bonaire’s seat of government. Scouts and a drum and bugle corps herald the arrival of Bonaire’s flag, which is then slowly raised in a moving display while the National Anthem is sung.
The presentations continue with speeches from Bonaire’s Lt. Governor, as well as others in the government, and then awards are given to citizens who have contributed to keeping Bonaire’s heritage and culture alive. The day is dedicated to all that makes Bonaire unique.

Afterward, the neighborhoods host festivities.
But after the official ceremony, then it’s time to party, and Bonaire definitely knows how to throw a party. The festivities then move into Bonaire’s neighborhoods, with a different neighborhood playing host each year.
There are stands in which to buy local crafts, as well as food and beverages, and there is plenty of music and dance performances.
At the end of the day, the lowering of the flag occurs just before sunset, but then the night is still young–and the music continues until late.